Hello again,
We’ve added a new feature to the Digital Bee Culture this month and going forward!It is now interactable! Any URL or Email in blue can now be clicked on. A URL will open in a new tab. An email will open in your preferred email client!The page numbers are also interactable! On the contents pages or on the display advertisers page, if you click the number or the title of article/name of advertiser, it will automatically jump to that page!
Ads are also interactable! Their links are not in blue but if you see an email or URL, just click and they’ll do the same thing as any blue link! (Please note that if you are just using the viewer on the website, this feature may not work. We’re trying to fix that, but if you download the PDF it will work!)
Since this is so new, there may be a link or two missing or there could be bigger issues. If you find any sort of problem, please let us know using this form.
Thank you so much for all your support and we hope you like this new feature!
-Bee Culture