July 2023 Regional Honey Price Report

July 2023 Regional Honey Price Report

Reporting Regions

Region 1
Region 2
Region 3
Region 4
Region 5
Region 6
Region 7
Extracted Honey Prices Sold Bulk to Packers or Processors
Last Month
Last Year
55 Gallon Drum – Light 2.51 2.93 3.13 2.88 2.75 2.87 3.48 2.00-4.00 2.92 2.92 3.05 4.06
55 Gallon Drum – Amber 2.38 2.82 2.85 2.84 2.87 2.70 3.25 2.00-4.00 2.82 2.82 3.07 3.78
60 Pound Light (Retail) 229.92 293.85 237.00 216.50 231.25 243.69 310.00 120.00-390.00 241.92 4.03 244.60 216.79
60 Pound Amber (Retail) 224.92 274.15 258.00 212.25 237.50 241.42 252.50 120.00-384.00 238.70 3.98 217.27 214.20
Wholesale Prices Sold to Stores or Distributors in Case Lots
1/2 Pound per Case of 24 99.10 112.80 100.33 85.50 66.40 90.00 63.00-144.00 95.44 7.95 105.81 101.24
1 Pound per Case of 24 179.84 171.00 172.93 140.69 178.71 135.18 144.00 69.00-360.00 164.79 6.87 161.15 146.91
2 Pound per Case of 12 160.55 192.00 167.22 116.10 173.76 151.50 156.00 84.00-300.00 154.55 6.44 155.04 138.09
12 Ounces Plastic per Case of 24 167.95 152.10 141.75 98.60 111.84 117.48 117.60 72.00-480.00 137.33 7.63 124.03 115.32
5 Pound per Case of 6 186.89 240.00 251.47 130.60 126.87 136.00 96.00-450.00 179.44 5.98 170.12 149.64
Quarts per Case of 12 184.60 209.67 224.40 163.38 187.39 206.94 205.50 120.00-350.00 197.18 5.48 197.91 175.71
Pints per Case of 12 106.80 138.00 117.20 96.31 107.25 135.00 115.20 72.00-180.00 114.02 6.33 114.29 111.79
Retail Shelf Prices
1/2 Pound 6.28 7.44 5.92 5.29 6.23 7.50 3.25-12.00 6.36 12.72 6.27 5.65
12 Ounces Plastic 8.74 8.65 7.83 6.98 6.31 8.06 5.92 4.29-20.00 7.93 10.57 7.76 6.87
1 Pound 10.15 11.70 10.96 8.45 9.71 8.33 10.25 4.00-20.00 10.17 10.17 10.23 9.01
2 Pound 16.98 20.18 18.32 14.90 20.02 14.10 15.00 7.29-38.00 17.24 8.62 18.01 14.85
Pint 12.16 15.36 11.84 12.40 10.23 17.33 12.13 5.00-26.00 12.88 8.59 12.49 11.46
Quart 24.67 23.74 20.06 20.91 19.40 20.13 20.40 10.00-42.00 21.82 7.27 21.90 20.47
5 Pound 36.85 39.80 49.25 29.43 31.93 37.00 18.00-75.00 36.28 7.26 36.51 33.55
1 Pound Cream 12.21 12.74 10.13 10.60 10.63 10.00 16.00 7.99-20.00 11.60 11.60 12.11 11.09
1 Pound Cut Comb 14.77 15.40 13.17 13.75 13.50 25.00 8.00-25.00 14.57 14.57 15.31 14.07
Ross Round 13.80 16.45 18.50 12.25 15.25 8.00-24.00 14.88 19.83 12.49 10.32
Wholesale Wax (Light) 7.00 7.90 6.95 6.88 7.50 4.50 4.15 3.00-10.00 6.85 7.15 7.19
Wholesale Wax (Dark) 4.71 6.98 7.58 5.40 8.00 3.25 2.00-10.00 6.01 6.43 6.06
Pollination Fee/Colony 92.90 78.00 97.50 124.00 200.00 50.00 50.00-225.00 103.36 111.93 97.89
Price of Nucs 194.41 191.09 168.64 173.18 152.50 19.00 225.00 115.00-290.00 185.28 183.97
Price of Packages 163.26 141.50 126.25 144.50 157.50 200.00 200.00 107.50-225.00 153.36 151.57

Please note: anywhere within each region that there is a ‘-‘ it is because no information was sent to us for that specific item in that region.

How do you compare to our honey reporters? All data collected is from April/May 2023.

Average Honey Flow Time and Amount per Region
Region 1:
Timing of Flow: Early
Amount of Flow: Average
Region 2:
Timing of Flow: Normal
Amount of Flow: Average
Region 3:
Timing of Flow: Late
Amount of Flow: Average
Region 4:
Timing of Flow: Equally early and normal
Amount of Flow: Average
Region 5:
Timing of Flow: Late
Amount of Flow: Light
Region 6:
Timing of Flow: Late
Amount of Flow: Average
Region 7:
Timing of Flow: Late
Amount of Flow: Average

Top Blossoming Plants per Region
Region 1: Dandelion, Apple, Maple, Black Locust, Honeysuckle, Clover, Pear
Region 2: Tulip Poplar, Blackberry, Clover, Poplar, Black Locust, Honeysuckle, Apple, White Clover
Region 3: Privet, Tulip Poplar, Blackberry, Clover, Tallow, Galberry, Trees, White Clover, Wildflowers
Region 4: Dandelion, Fruit Trees, Black Locust, Autumn Olive, Dutch Clover, Locust, Maple, Tulip, Tulip Poplar
Region 5: Dandelion, Apple, Chokecherry, Cottonwood, Elm, Ground Ivy, Plum, Trees, Wildflowers
Region 6: Dandelion, Wildflowers
Region 7: Dandelion, Fruit Trees

Overall Top Blossoming Plants
Dandelion, Tulip Poplar, Clover, Apple, Black Locust, Blackberry, Fruit Trees, Maple

Mite Treatment per Region
Region 1: Most used no mite treatment due to honey flow.
Region 2: Most used no mite treatment due to honey flow.
Region 3: Most used no mite treatment due to honey flow.
Region 4: Most used either an Oxalic Vapor or no mite treatment due to honey flow.
Region 5: Most used an Oxalic Acid product.
Region 6: Most used an Oxalic Vapor product, a Formic product or no mite treatment due to honey flow.
Region 7: Most used an Amitraz product.

To the left is the map of our regions. All responses are collected from individuals within each region. If you are interested in becoming a report for Bee Culture, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/qai8NFY2th3a4c696

All reporters who are returning forms will receive a free subscription to Bee Culture! Questions? Email Emma@BeeCulture.com

See June 2023 Honey Price Report