BEEing Diverse: Inspiring Leaders in Beekeeping
Mark Your Calendars for September 30 – October 1, 2022
Third times the charm… We are enthusiastically moving forward with our annual event with the Beeing Diverse: Inspiring Leaders in Beekeeping as the past two cancelled years. We are optimistic about this one happening; however, we will be closely watching any and all situations that may pose an impact on the event. As in the past, if we deem it necessary for the health and safety of travelers, ourselves and the audience we will cancel it again. Hopefully not though.
For more information, go to our BEEing Diverse page (and check back for updates as we continue to get closer):
Here is the second half of our impressive group:

Dorothy Pelanda
Director of the Ohio Department of Agriculture

Jackie Park Burris
Jackie Park-Burris Queens, Inc.

Joan Gunter
Past president of ABF, Commercial Beekeeper

Geraldine Wright
Hope Professor of Entomology in the Department of Zoology at University of Oxford, UK

Kim Skyrm
Chief Apiary Inspector of the Massachusetts Department of Agriculture Resources

Tammy Horn Potter
Kentucky State Apiarist, author of multiple books