HIVE THEFTS: Madera and Delano
HIVE THEFTS: Fresno County
HIVE THEFTS: Kings County, 1/25/23
S.P. Godlin Apiaries
Contact Steve Godlin with any information at 559-804-8680
84 hives were stolen in Kings County on January 25th. White boxes with “S.P. Godlin Apiaries” on the side, as seen in photo. If you have any information please contact Steve Godlin at 559-804-8680.
Please share.
Guide to Preventing Hive Theft
The CSBA created a guide to preventing hive theft last year to be distributed to police departments, agricultural commissioner offices, and farm bureaus. Please feel free to share this resource.
Color copies and black and white copies are available here: Color | Black & White